Legislature will consider teacher report cards

Legislature will consider teacher report cards

Please rally against this. I don't know a single teacher who would want a report card for them based on the new teacher evaluations.

Teachers' Union Leading School Reform? Impossible!

Teachers' Union Leading School Reform? Impossible!

I recently presented our top issues for this upcoming legislative session to the Cobb delegation. One of the things we clashed with the Legislators about was class size. We were emphasizing how important bringing back class size limits was and that smaller class size is important. They argued that "research" shows that class size does not matter to student performance. I stated, "from my personal, first hand experience along with the experiences of the many educators I come in contact with daily, CLASS SIZE MATTERS!" Research can be made to say anything, as most of us know, but we KNOW that smaller class sizes lead to better learning experiences, less safety issues (especially in science classes), less discipline problems, and overall better performance. This article brings up the fact that TEACHERS know smaller class size is important. An excellent article. (and not just because it agrees with me!)

A Level-Headed (But Still Narrow-Minded) Take on VAM

A Level-Headed (But Still Narrow-Minded) Take on VAM Excellent article on a topic that is sure to come up this Legislative session.

States Moving Toward Uniform Graduation-Rate Calculation

States Moving Toward Uniform Graduation-Rate Calculation

Michelle Rhee Details Plans for Spreading Education Reform

Michelle Rhee Details Plans for Spreading Education Reform

Her statements about teachers' unions are offensive and incorrect. No one that I know wants to put teachers before students! We all got into teaching for the students, we are not so self-absorbed that we forget that! When I go out to represent members, I always ask myself "would I want this person teaching/working with my child?" When I talk to politicians or other non-educators, I always work for what is best for the student. I wish I could speak directly to Ms. Rhee and tell her that she has it all wrong, testing or under-paid teachers are not what is best for children!! Allowing teachers who are happy and respected to do what they are trained to do IS what is best for children!!

Taking Teacher Evaluation to Extremes

Taking Teacher Evaluation to Extremes This is an excellent article on the ludicrous nature of value added measurement of teachers.

As Race to the Top becomes reality, doubts emerge

As Race to the Top becomes reality, doubts emerge

Education is not a race, it is the RIGHT of every American child to have a quality public education. With a race you have winners and losers, do we want any child to be a loser?! Teachers should not have to compete with each other for the best students so they get higher test scores and therefore, more money. Look what happened in the Atlanta Public Schools when they had to compete! Cheating! Teaching should be a collaboration not a competition!

Public Policy Blogger: Messrs. Duncan and Gates- Why are you promoting a ...

Public Policy Blogger: Messrs. Duncan and Gates- Why are you promoting a ...: "On the subject of public education, the first words out of politicians' and business leaders' mouths are 'America's public schools are faili..."

Just found this blogger, love her!!

Half of Florida's School Districts Violating Class Size Limits

Half of Florida's School Districts Violating Class Size Limits at least they still have class size limits, Georgia waived class size limits, so we can pack them in!!


UPDATED: 'DREAM' Activism This article provides an excellent explanation of the Dream Act. If you are for or against the Act, this updates you on what is going on this minute.

Program helping spawn unlikely science scholars  | ajc.com

Program helping spawn unlikely science scholars ajc.com This program is such a great idea. I can see incorporating it in lower socioeconomic schools by pairing up our students with college peers. Love it!

Should parent affluence influence how schools are funded?

Should parent affluence influence how schools are funded?