Prison budget burdens Georgia | "Lawmakers will likely face a difficult choice in the 2011 session: Opt for more teacher layoffs, higher college tuition bills and less money for transportation, or make changes to lower Georgia’s prison population."
I am horrified that it could come to this. Teachers or prison??? Let's get our priorities straight and work on the prison system so we can put our money where it counts, education!!
Oh, and in case you don't know, I worked at a Maximum Security Prison in Mississippi, so I am passionate about this subject.
The Cobb County Association of Educators is an advocacy organization for education professionals. We are a division of the Georgia Association of Educators and the National Education Association and are committed to great public schools for all children!
School Board Candidates Talk Tax Increase
The MDJ ran an article on school board candidates' positions on tax increases. What do you think?
New Office

I am very excited to announce that we will be moving the office of CCAE next month!! We found an office that is bigger, newer, nicer but is actually cheaper!! I have been on the search for several months, but I finally found an office that everyone could agree on. It is in an office park right off Hwy 41 and Barrett Pkwy. We will be moving sometime after June 15th but before I leave for NEA June 25th. I can't wait to plan an office warming open house! (any excuse for a party) Now to change the address on everything!!
Wow is all I can say
Today has been a long day. The board of the Cobb County Association of Educators met today and I presided on my first meeting as President. We developed a vision plan for our organization, developed goals and actions plans to work towards that vision. I was very excited to see where our organization is going. We also voted to move the office to a new, cheaper, more professional office!! Yeah to more parking! Finally, we looked at job descriptions and what we expected from each person for the upcoming year.
Next, I attended the school board meeting. I was impressed with how many people showed up to see what was going on in Cobb. Information is never a bad thing! I got a chance to speak with some current board members, some central office staff (thanks Michelle) and with a couple of candidates for the school board. All in all, a successful meeting and a good first official day as president!
Next, I attended the school board meeting. I was impressed with how many people showed up to see what was going on in Cobb. Information is never a bad thing! I got a chance to speak with some current board members, some central office staff (thanks Michelle) and with a couple of candidates for the school board. All in all, a successful meeting and a good first official day as president!
Radio Interview
Today I got an opportunity to do my first radio interview!! I was excited but nervous! Radio is actually me talking, not just words in an article! Would I sound good? Would I say the right thing? Well, I guess we will find out tomorrow, the piece is scheduled to air at the top of the hour all morning on AM640 WGST.
Mix Up in Emails
Today I learned the power of email the hard way. An email that I typed early last week, when we first learned of the salary hearings, that said we thought that CCSD was going to cut our pay again, went out to a large number of members. In time, it made it's way to the Superintendent's office. I then received an agitated email that pointed out that I had my facts wrong from that office. I apologise for my email going out to anyone without the correct facts. I did clarify here on an earlier blog, date 5/20, so that I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression or information. I am new to this president thing, but I am honest and very forthright, as anyone who knows me can tell you. I will strive to ensure that ALL information coming out in my name is as factual as possible. We are meeting at the board meeting Thursday, but only to empower the teachers and staff who feel disenfranchised from the process. We want them to understand that they have power, that they can make a difference, and that they have a voice in education in Cobb County.
MDJ article about Class Size
So, finding out that a big part of my job is talking to the press about educational issues is ok, but saying the right things without making anyone mad??? Not so easy. Here is the article I got quoted on about the Class Size issue. Let me know what you think about the article...
Article in the MDJ
Article in the MDJ
My Last Day
Well, today was my last day as a classroom teacher. I worked at cleaning my room, packing up all my stuff, and changing my self-image from teacher to President. I was doing ok until lunch. We had a staff lunch where they gave out mementos to the people leaving. 30 people were leaving Griffin for a variety of reasons. So many good people will not be there next year. I found myself saying, "I am so sorry you will not be here next year" over and over. Then I realized that I will not be there either. That brought tears to my eyes. Of course, I glossed it over and held strong until I was alone. Being a teacher has been who I am for so long, I can't even imagine it not being part of me. But as of today, I am no longer a classroom teacher. So, tears wiped off, I am ready to face the challenge of being the full time President of the Cobb County Association of Educators! I hope to serve my members with wisdom, intelligence, and to empower them to know their rights, to speak up for themselves, and to always be informed!
Unlimited Class Sizes!!!
Ok, every time I say things can't get worse, they do. This happens personally and professionally. Today the state school board voted to do away with class size limits. Kathy Cox, who has already turned in her resignation, said that we should trust local school boards to make the decisions. Does that seem like a good idea to you??? Let me know what you think...
“We have got to trust the local school boards are going to do right by their students and by student achievement,” said Cox after some board members questioned eliminating any caps on class size.
“We have got to trust the local school boards are going to do right by their students and by student achievement,” said Cox after some board members questioned eliminating any caps on class size.
Superintendents' Salaries
Last week I did an interview with the AJC about budget cuts. The salaries of metro area superintendents came up and I said that Sanderson was not overpaid compared to other metro area superintendents' salaries. Check out the article.
Next Wednesday, May 26, NEA will launch our National Speak Up for
Education & Kids Campaign - beginning with a National Call-in Day.
* On Wednesday May 26th, call 1-866-608-6355 to contact your
Representative in Congress.
* You will hear talking points and will be connected to the United
States Capitol Switchboard - ask for your House Member.
* Tell your Representative that public education faces a budget
catastrophe and that he/she should support including funding to save
education jobs in the emergency funding bill (known as the "emergency
supplemental" funding bill).
Next Wednesday, May 26, NEA will launch our National Speak Up for
Education & Kids Campaign - beginning with a National Call-in Day.
* On Wednesday May 26th, call 1-866-608-6355 to contact your
Representative in Congress.
* You will hear talking points and will be connected to the United
States Capitol Switchboard - ask for your House Member.
* Tell your Representative that public education faces a budget
catastrophe and that he/she should support including funding to save
education jobs in the emergency funding bill (known as the "emergency
supplemental" funding bill).
Cobb Schools Hire Two New Principals from Outside the System
Marietta Daily Journal article about Cobb hiring two new principals from outside the district.
Political Interviews
Today the CCAE Political Action committee is interviewing the candidates for local school board, state superintend, and state senator and representative. This is my first year on this committee and it is very interesting. We are interviewing both parties because we are very bi-partisan, having both Republicans and Democrats on the committee. Since I am an independent, I am amazed by the differences and the similarities. Education is about CHILDREN, not politics!!! I have to keep most of the information confidential but here are a couple of highlights: Betty Gray is one of the funniest women I have ever met, she makes great sense with a large helping of humor, John Wiles is a great handshaker, Don Wix is very tall, and Judson Hill is very good looking. More to come....
Oakwood's Last Graduation
I am devestated that Cobb County School Board is restructuring (closing) Oakwood. Oakwood has given a second chance to so many students over the years.
Clarification of Salary Hearings
Principals and Administrative Cabinet:
Unfortunately, as a result of a memo sent Monday there appears to be some misunderstanding among our employees concerning the upcoming salary hearings on May 27 and June 2. Please allow me to correct some misconceptions about the hearings.· The hearings are being held because CCSD is reducing the local salary supplement. This reduction is the result of previously announced furlough days and freezing of salary step increases. If a school district reduces the local salary supplement for teachers in any way, the district is required by law to hold two public hearings and to notify all employees.· Teachers are paid based on the state salary schedule. CCSD pays an additional salary (called local salary supplement) to teachers out of locally collected funds. The local salary supplement is the difference between the state salary schedule and the CCSD salary schedule.· The local salary supplement is being reduced in two ways. First, all employees (both certified and classified) are receiving five furlough days. Second, all eligible employees (both certified and classified) will not receive step increases in FY2011. Technically, these reductions constitute a reduction in teacher salaries (including the local salary supplement). Therefore, the district must hold hearings.· Despite rumors to the contrary, there are no other proposed cuts to salaries.· Bi-weekly employees (except Food Service Managers) will have the furlough days deducted from salaries in the pay period incurred. All other employees (including Food Service Managers) will have the reduction for furlough days spread equally over 12 months.Thank you for helping to clarify any misunderstandings that resulted from Monday’s memo announcing the hearings.
Mike Addison, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
Unfortunately, as a result of a memo sent Monday there appears to be some misunderstanding among our employees concerning the upcoming salary hearings on May 27 and June 2. Please allow me to correct some misconceptions about the hearings.· The hearings are being held because CCSD is reducing the local salary supplement. This reduction is the result of previously announced furlough days and freezing of salary step increases. If a school district reduces the local salary supplement for teachers in any way, the district is required by law to hold two public hearings and to notify all employees.· Teachers are paid based on the state salary schedule. CCSD pays an additional salary (called local salary supplement) to teachers out of locally collected funds. The local salary supplement is the difference between the state salary schedule and the CCSD salary schedule.· The local salary supplement is being reduced in two ways. First, all employees (both certified and classified) are receiving five furlough days. Second, all eligible employees (both certified and classified) will not receive step increases in FY2011. Technically, these reductions constitute a reduction in teacher salaries (including the local salary supplement). Therefore, the district must hold hearings.· Despite rumors to the contrary, there are no other proposed cuts to salaries.· Bi-weekly employees (except Food Service Managers) will have the furlough days deducted from salaries in the pay period incurred. All other employees (including Food Service Managers) will have the reduction for furlough days spread equally over 12 months.Thank you for helping to clarify any misunderstandings that resulted from Monday’s memo announcing the hearings.
Mike Addison, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
AJC Interview
Last night I got a chance to talk with Mary Lou Pickle of the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Mary Lou is a wonderful person and a great reporter. She is fair, well spoken, and I really enjoy talking with her. We spoke about the RIF situation, the coaches who are gone, the salaries of Superintendents across the Metro area, and why Cobb seems to have been hit so much harder than other counties. I look forward to reading her article/articles on the situation. Thanks Mary Lou!!
More cuts on the way
I can't believe the Cobb County School District is considering more cuts! Teachers are not making enough already and this is just too much! CCAE is working on a plan as we speak. (well, we aren't really speaking, now are we??)
I can't believe the Cobb County School District is considering more cuts! Teachers are not making enough already and this is just too much! CCAE is working on a plan as we speak. (well, we aren't really speaking, now are we??)
Town Hall meeting with School Board Member
Town Hall meeting with
Alison Bartlett,
Post 7 Board of Education Member
Concerning the Cheatham Hill Elementary Addition
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
6:30 p.m.
Cheatham Hill Cafeteria
Everyone is welcome.
Alison Bartlett,
Post 7 Board of Education Member
Concerning the Cheatham Hill Elementary Addition
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
6:30 p.m.
Cheatham Hill Cafeteria
Everyone is welcome.
State Superintendent Kathy Cox
State Superintendent Kathy Cox announced Monday that she is bowing out June 30, ending nearly eight years as chief of the 1,000-employee state Department of Education.
At a news conference, Cox, who was facing re-election this year, said she is set to become the founding chief executive officer of the U.S. Education Delivery Institute (EDI).
EDI is a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., that will work to help states improve student achievement, Cox told reporters.
from an AJC article
At a news conference, Cox, who was facing re-election this year, said she is set to become the founding chief executive officer of the U.S. Education Delivery Institute (EDI).
EDI is a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., that will work to help states improve student achievement, Cox told reporters.
from an AJC article
This week is going to be bittersweet for me. Two of the people who first brought me into CCAE are retiring. I am losing two of my main mentors in one week! These two women, Debbie Gunter and Linda Roberson-Brown, are everything I hope to become. Debbie is feisty, outspoken, and committed, a true advocate for public education. Linda (or RB as I know her) is calm, cool, collected, and level-headed, always a lady, no matter what the circumstances. My hope for my presidency is that I can somehow channel them both by bringing Debbie's commitment and dedication along with RB's calmness and sense of what is proper to my own personality. If I can become half the women that they are, I will have grown so much since they first recruited me. I hope I can make them proud of me and glad that they got me started in CCAE.
Wow...a powerful letter
Please take a moment to read this powerful letter from a graduating Wheeler High School student. Click here to be redirected to the AJC.
Osborne Students stage a walk out over teacher cuts!!
I am so impressed with the students of Osborne High School!! They staged a walk out in support of their teachers and reminded ALL of us that WE MUST STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!! Thank you to the students becoming the teachers!!!
Click here to be redirected to the story in the AJC.
Click here to be redirected to the story in the AJC.
Board Meeting 5/12
Today I attended the school board meeting. I was very impressed with the number of people that turned out to speak to the board. Problem was that so many people signed up to speak that they only allowed the first 25 or so people to speak, and then gave them just one and half minutes to talk! Students and parents spoke from their hearts about the cuts and how they were going to impact the schools. A couple of teachers even spoke about the cuts. Now all I wonder is was the board listening?? We can only hope.
Click here to be redirected to the AJC's coverage of the meeting.
Click here to be redirected to the AJC's coverage of the meeting.
Recognition Celebration

During the dinner and the festivities, the retirees enjoyed their gifts and moment in the spotlight. One of my personal mentors, and the woman who brought me into CCAE, Linda Roberson-Brown, was one of the retirees. I couldn't help but get choked up presenting her gift, as I will miss her so much! Fanny won recruiter of the year for her amazing work, especially with the bus drivers!
The new governing board was installed, myself included. I had imagined how good it would feel to finally be sworn in, but the enormity of the task ahead of me made me a little more serious than usual. It is such a dark time for education in Cobb County that my joy was tinged with sorrow for all the people out of jobs and for the children who will be affected by the changes.
But, I saved the best for last!!! My great friend, Chris Arpante, made the desserts for the party last night!!! She is amazing and, as usual, she made a cake that took my breath away!! And, her blackberry cheesecake cups were to die for!! Thanks for the surprise cake; I loved it!! Most importantly, thank you for all the support over the years.
And, to all the members of CCAE, thanks for believing in me and entrusting me with your leadership.
And, to all the members of CCAE, thanks for believing in me and entrusting me with your leadership.
Town Hall Meeting
Last night I attended the town hall meeting held by School Board Member Alison Bartlett. She provided a public forum for everyone to ask the questions that aren't getting answered anywhere else. It tore my heart out to hear the Oakwood students asking why Oakwood was being closed, why they were losing their school, why Cobb County doesn't care about them. They are so passionate about their school and the fact that it is often the last chance for students who would otherwise drop out or worse. CCAE pledged to help fight this travesty. We are also involving GAE in the fight. I was lucky to do an interview with the AJC about the issue, hopefully it will do some good. Thank you to all the amazing teachers from Oakwood who came out to fight not for themselves, but for their students. Not one teacher said they were worried about their jobs, only that they were terrified for their students. Please help by emailing the board members, by showing up at the board meeting on May 12th at 8am, or attend the night board meeting on May 27th at 7pm. We must stand together to stop this! Board members emails are listed on the cobb webpage,
AJC article
Yesterday, on my way to an appointment, I answered some questions for AJC reporter Mary Lou Pickel regarding the RIFs in Cobb County. I recounted the tension, anxiety and fear in my school, as well as some of the people/positions that where cut so far. I fear that this is not the final word on cuts in Cobb. When I went into education back in 1998, I never thought I would see the wholescale destruction of our profession that we are witnessing now. I thought my career choice was lay-off proof. That special educators would always be in demand. They were even giving signing bonuses for us to teach special ed! It is a travesty that will leave a lasting ugly mark on our country, our profession, and our children.
Meetings, Meetings, Meetings
Wow, I have had so many meetings the last couple of days that I don't even know where to start! The most important meeting was the CCAE board meeting last night. We discussed our plan of action for the issues confronting Cobb County Schools right now. I am horrified that Oakwood High School is closing (or being re-designed!). It serves as a place to belong for students who need a different kind of high school. It also raises the graduation rate for Cobb County! We also discussed the Leadership Development Academy this summer at Callaway Gardens. I was privilaged to attend the LDA a couple of times and learned a great deal each time. I think the people selected to attend are lucky! I hope they bring new energy and ideas back to us here in Cobb. Also on the agenda was the National Education Association Represenative Assembly (NEA RA) this summer in New Orleans. I am very excited to be attending!!! I love New Orleans! This event is amazing. Imagine thousands of education professionals in one giant room carrying out democratic debate on issues in education! It can be intimidating but is always exciting! The meeting lasted until after 8pm, so we were all exhausted but got so much done that it was worth it. Please ask if you want more details on our action plan.
Recognition Celebration!!
Good Monday Morning!! I am working on the Recognition Celebration program today. The celebration is Tuesday May 11th at the Smyrna Community Center. Dinner is served at 6pm. We will be celebrating our retiring STARS, recognizing our current STARS, and introducing our new STARS!! The theme of the evening is Old Hollywood - A Celebration of Stars. This is probably the last event I will get to really plan, I have to delegate it next year. I love event planning, so giving the responsibility up will be hard. Delegation is probably my biggest weakness, I worry that everything will not get done. I am going to work hard on that the next two years!
On a more somber note, some teachers are getting word today and this week that their jobs are at an end. I still cannot quite believe that Cobb County is cutting this many teachers! Part of what I loved about teaching was that you thought you would always have a job. I am terrified about where we are going in public education. How will all these cuts impact our children? Our teachers? Our county, state, country? We must stand up as education professionals and DEMAND the best for our children and ourselves!! There has never been a more important time to be an active member of CCAE, GAE, NEA!!
On a more somber note, some teachers are getting word today and this week that their jobs are at an end. I still cannot quite believe that Cobb County is cutting this many teachers! Part of what I loved about teaching was that you thought you would always have a job. I am terrified about where we are going in public education. How will all these cuts impact our children? Our teachers? Our county, state, country? We must stand up as education professionals and DEMAND the best for our children and ourselves!! There has never been a more important time to be an active member of CCAE, GAE, NEA!!
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