Balanced Calendar

Dear Members,
We have been asked for feedback regarding the balanced calendar. Please email the school board members regarding your opinion. If you enjoyed the week off in September, or if you didn't, please let them know. This is an issue that is sure to come up soon, to be voted on for the upcoming years. We NEED to make OUR voices heard!

Lynnda Crowder-Eagle ▪ Post 1 ▪ Chairperson of the Board

Holli Cash ▪ Post 2 ▪ Vice Chairperson of the Board

David Morgan ▪ Post 3

Dr. John Abraham ▪ Post 4

David Banks ▪ Post 5

Dr. John Crooks ▪ Post 6
Alison Bartlett ▪ Post 7

Report of School Board Meeting 10/28

Report of School Board Meeting 10/28

1. F & T meeting will be called next week

2. SPLOST acceleration was passed, this means a TAN will be taken out and all the construction will be moved up

3. Legal fees for John Crooks will be paid for $25,000+

4. Strategic Plan Revision was adopted

5. Hired the Georgia School Board Association to help conduct the Superintendent search

6. Joseph Horton was moved from AP Garrett Middle School to AP North Cobb HS

The board adjourned

Pictures from our Political Forum

Thanks go out to Representative Pat Dooley, Representative Alisha Thomas-Morgan, Representative-Elect David Wilkerson, Senator Steve Thompson, Representative Rich Golick, Representative Ed Setzler, Candidate Diane Lore, Candidate Stacey Evans, and Senator Elect Lindsey Tippins. Their participation shows the level of commitment they have for education.

Does Income-Based School Integration Work?

Does Income-Based School Integration Work?

Pilot Project Tests Teacher Performance Assessments

Pilot Project Tests Teacher Performance Assessments

Learning-Disabled Enrollment Dips After Long Climb

Learning-Disabled Enrollment Dips After Long Climb

Atlanta school board members marching off the same cliff as Clayton counterparts and dragging students with them

Atlanta school board members marching off the same cliff as Clayton counterparts and dragging students with them

Reaction mixed on Cobb's alternative digital academy  |

Reaction mixed on Cobb's alternative digital academy

I still think they made a mistake in closing Oakwood. Oakwood served a group of students who needed exactly what they offered. Those students were displaced from their original schools but found a safe haven in Oakwood.

Joe Martin for State School Superintendent!

I am supporting Joe Martin to be our next State School Superintendent, because he has the commitment and ability to move Georgia ahead in education. He will also be a champion for educators, because he understands the crucial role of those who teach our students.

As one of the foremost advocates for education in Georgia, he has a lifetime of service to our children. He has always put our students and teachers ahead of politics.

While serving on his local school board for 20 years, he confronted some of the toughest challenges in education. He also initiated significant improvements as a member of major state commissions appointed by three Governors. Most recently, he led the fight to protect our schools by upholding the State Constitution.

That’s why Georgians throughout our state who care about our schools are supporting Joe Martin for State School Superintendent. They are looking past party labels to elect the best leader for our schools. The other candidates aren’t ready for this important responsibility.

As State School Superintendent, Joe will push to end the furloughs, restore the school year, and reduce class sizes. He will increase the respect for educators, lessen the emphasis on standardized tests, and encourage local decisions. He also has the business skills to make the best use of the available resources for the benefit of our students.

You can learn more about Joe and his plans for Georgia's schools at

Please join me in supporting Joe in this very important election, and please spread the word to others. Joe Martin will stand up for our schools!

Court: No Teacher Speech Rights on Curriculum

Court: No Teacher Speech Rights on Curriculum

Advanced voting

Advanced voting available this week at six locations

Advanced voting for the Nov. 2 general election is available this week, Oct. 25-29, at six locations. Any Cobb voter can vote at any of the following locations. There will be no voting Monday, Nov. 1.
for more information, call 770-528-2581 or visit

East Cobb Government Service Center, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

4400 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta

South Cobb Community Center, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

620 Lions Club Drive, Mableton

Northstar Church, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

3413 Blue Springs Road NW, Kennesaw

Cobb County Civic Center, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

548 South Marietta Parkway SE, Marietta

Boots Ward Recreation Center, Lost Mountain Park, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

4845 Dallas Highway, Powder Springs.

Cobb Elections main office, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

736 Whitlock Ave., Marietta (West Park Government Center)

Political Forum for CCAE - Everyone Invited

Tomorrow evening the Cobb County Association of Educators is hosting a Political Forum for Cobb Candidates. We would like to invite EVERYONE to this event. Educators, all CCSD staff, parents, and students are welcome to attend and meet the candidates. Candidates will also be answering questions from the audience, so take this chance to ask YOUR questions about the future of education in Cobb. We would love to have students attend and engage in the political process. We are also looking for some student volunteers to help with the event, so if you have a class that you think would benefit from this experience, please let me know. We hope to see you there and bring a friend!

Campbell High School
Oct. 26th 5:30 pm
CCAE members that sign in will also receive a small gift for attending!

Economic Integration a Bigger Factor than Added Resources, Report Says

Economic Integration a Bigger Factor than Added Resources, Report Says

Focusing on The Right Work

Focusing on The Right Work wow, what great questions this writer asks!! Love his honesty about his work.

Peachtree City middle school meanness: Symptom of a culture gone awry or parents gone AWOL?

Peachtree City middle school meanness: Symptom of a culture gone awry or parents gone AWOL?

This is horrible! Students hurting others over the web is a serious problem. I recently became aware of a website created by parents that does the same thing to teachers and principals. Can you imagine a site devoted to complaining about school, by PARENTS! That shows some of what is wrong with our schools today, just go back to my old saying, "shut up or stand up". If you are willing to complain without leaving a name instead why don't you stand up and make a change. Go to the school and volunteer or if the problem is serious, go to the Principal or even the Area Superintendent. Don't hurt or insult others while hiding behind the cloak of the Internet!

The Marietta Daily Journal - State House candidates differ on illegal entrants

The Marietta Daily Journal - State House candidates differ on illegal entrants

Stacey will be appearing at our Political Forum next Tuesday 10/26 at Campbell High School at 5pm. All the local Cobb candidates will be answering your questions regarding their views on education. Please plan to attend!

Cobb school board election: District 2 incumbent Holli Cash faces challenger Tim Stultz

Cobb school board election: District 2 incumbent Holli Cash faces challenger Tim Stultz

AYP, Time Machines and Making Do

AYP, Time Machines and Making Do

Gwinnett wins prestigious Broad Prize for Urban Education: A validation of its strong superintendent

Gwinnett wins prestigious Broad Prize for Urban Education: A validation of its strong superintendent

Congrats to Gwinnett!!!

Political Forum for CCAE - Everyone Invited

Next Tuesday, October 26th, CCAE will hold it's first Political Forum for Cobb Candidates. The Candidates will answer questions regarding their views on education and educational issues facing Cobb and Georgia. Questions will be taken from the audience. Confirmed attendies include Represenatives Judy Manning, Pat Dooley, Alisha Thomas-Morgan, and Rich Golick, and candidates Stacey Evans, David Wilkerson, Diane Lore. Please come out, meet the Candidates, ask them the questions on your mind, and support CCAE and Public Education in Cobb.

Student-Led Conferences Benefit Parents, Kids

Student-Led Conferences Benefit Parents, Kids   

I read this article with interest because today I have my 8th grader's student led conference. As a teacher, I have been doing student led conferences for a number of years, but this will be my first one as a parent. I have enjoyed having the students explain to their parents what their grades were and why they got that particular grade. I plan to enjoy watching my son explain to me why he got As on the math tests but zero's on the homework!

The method behind the conferences is just as important as the conference itself, a fact parents rarely know.Teaching the students to take responsibility for their grades, good and bad, is an important step towards adulthood. Students learn to analyse their grades and figure out what happened. Learning that just one zero can make a major difference is an eye opener for some students. If the teacher is good, you can also teach real world math with the process. Students have to understand averaging, percents, rounding, and a host of other things that suddenly leap out of the math book and into things that matter to them. Ah, real world applications, so touching!

So, I guess I am a proponent for student led conferencing at the middle and high school level. We need to get kids more involved in their grades and teach them responsibility, a thing that is in short supply in our world today. If your school isn't doing student led conferences, please contact one of the local schools who is and I am sure they will share forms, advice, and anything else you need to begin the process. I am personally aware of the following schools doing student led conferences, Griffin Middle School, Tapp Middle School, and now, Lovinggood Middle School. Come join them!

GBI agents begin paying visits on Atlanta schools  |

GBI agents begin paying visits on Atlanta schools

Great, now teachers have to deal with law enforcement questioning. I don't think this was in the job description!

Why Superman film should be waiting for Batman

I loved this commentary!! Short read but great point.

Washington Post Article

State School Board Meeting

The State Board of Education met Thursday and recommended that the following rules be repealed and a new rule be initiated:
  • Repeal Rule 160-5-2-.04 State Salaries and Supplements
  • Repeal Rule 160-5-2-.05 Experience for Salary Purposes


The Board stated that repeal of the above rules supports Goal 6 of their Strategic Plan—making policies that ensure maximum academic and financial accountability. The Board is proposing that one rule be initiated (SBOE rule 160-5-2-.05 – Experience for Salary Purposes) that provides local school systems more clarity in determining placement of certified personnel on the State Salary Schedule, salaries and supplements for math and science teachers, and creditable experience for certified personnel working in a charter school or a school operating under an Investing in Educational Excellence (IE2) contract.


 These rules are being repealed to comply with legislation passed in 2009 and 2010 (House Bills 455 and 923) related to certified staff possessing leadership degrees and House Bill 280 related to salaries and supplements for math and science teachers. Additionally the proposed new rule aligns with changes in the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) rules.


 Highlights of proposed rule 160-5-2-.05 – Experience for Salary Purposes (see the SBOE summary below) include: 
  • Secondary teachers in a local school system who are certified in mathematics or science by the PSC and teach secondary mathematics or science any portion of the work day shall be moved to the Salary Step on the State Salary Schedule that is applicable to a teacher with six creditable years of experience; 
  • An individual holding a PSC issued leadership certificate issued on or after July 1, 2010 shall only be placed on the salary level of the State Salary Schedule attributed to the leadership degree if the individual is employed and serves in a leadership position. This does not apply, regardless of whether or not the individual is in a leadership position if the following conditions exist:

§ An educator who possessed a leadership degree prior to July 1, 2010; or

§ An educator possessed a master’s level leadership degree prior to July 1, 2012; or

§ An educator possessed a specialist level leadership degree prior to July 1, 2013; or

§ An educator possessed a doctoral level leadership degree prior to July 1, 2014 as long as the individual was enrolled in such leadership preparation program on or before April 1, 2009.

  • State supplement of $1,000 (contingent upon funding) per endorsement in mathematics, science to those who hold K-5 certification - up to a maximum of five years 

In other action, it was recommended for adoption Rule 160-5-1-.02 – School Day and School Year for Students and Employees. This rule provides more flexibility to local boards of education in determining the minimum daily instruction time for students, minimum school year for students (180 days or its equivalent) and minimum workday for all employees.

Please know that GAE will be working to protect your salary and position on salary schedule. More details regarding GAE’s position and timelines will be forthcoming.




Georgia Department of Education Summary of Proposed New Rule – SBOE Rule 160-5-2-.05 EXPERIENCE FOR SALARY PURPOSES Brad Bryant, State Superintendent of Schools October 6, 2010 · Page 1 of 1 During the 2009 and 2010 legislative sessions, the Georgia General Assembly amended O.C.G.A. §20-2-212 and O.C.G.A. § 20-2-212.5 which stipulated the placement of leadership, and math or science certified personnel on the State Salary Schedule. The proposed Rule 160-5-2-.05 EXPERIENCE FOR SALARY PURPOSES brings two current State Board of Education rules into compliance with the amended O.C.G.A §20-2-212 and O.C.G.A. § 20-2-212.5.

The following rules will be recommended for repeal concurrently with the adoption of the proposed new rule:






 The proposed new rule includes the following changes and/or additions:

Section (1) Definitions – The proposed language in this subsection includes relevant definitions from the two rules proposed for repeal and additional definitions to provide further clarification and alignment with Professional Standards Commission terminology.

Section (2) Requirements – The proposed language in this subsection includes relevant requirements from rules proposed for repeal and the following changes or additions: 

1. Certified personnel shall earn one creditable year of experience for working in an LUA charter school or a school operating under a contract pursuant to IE2. 

2. Secondary teachers in a local school system who are certified in mathematics or science by the PSC and teach secondary mathematics or science any portion of the work day shall be moved to the Salary Step on the State Salary Schedule that is applicable to a teacher with six creditable years of experience. 

3. An individual holding a PSC issued leadership certificate issued on or after July 1, 2010 shall only be placed on the salary level of the State Salary Schedule attributed to the leadership degree if the individual is employed by the LUA and serves in a leadership position. This does not apply, regardless of whether or not the individual is in a leadership position if the following conditions exist:

(a) An educator who possessed a leadership degree prior to July 1, 2010; or 

(b) An educator possessed a master’s level leadership degree prior to July 1, 2012; or 

(c) An educator possessed a specialist level leadership degree prior to July 1, 2013; or 

(d) An educator possessed a doctoral level leadership degree prior to July 1, 2014 as long as the individual was enrolled in such leadership preparation program on or before April 1, 2009.



4. On and after July 1, 2010 the LUA shall pay a state supplement of $1000 per endorsement to individuals who hold a PSC teaching certificate grades K-5 with endorsement in mathematics, science or both for each year such endorsement is in effect up to a maximum of five years. After five years, such individual shall continue to receive the $1000 supplement provided he or she meets or exceeds student achievement criteria established by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement.

Teacher who watched Obama sign Ed Jobs bill is laid off -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

Oh the irony, the teacher who watched President Obama sign into law the Ed Jobs bill, is laid off from her teaching job.

School study sees benefits in economic integration

In a recent article in the Washington Post, "Low-income students in Montgomery County performed better when they attended affluent elementary schools instead of ones with higher concentrations of poverty, according to a new study that suggests economic integration is a powerful but neglected school-reform tool."
As I read the article, I thought about the concept. I am not surprised that putting kids in a "richer" school helped them do better. What I had to really think about is why? Why do I put my kids at Lovinggood instead of a lower socioeconomic school. (trying to not to name a school and make anyone mad!)  The obvious reason is the test scores are better at Lovinggood but it goes deeper than that.

First, the students behave differently. When I go to Lovinggood and watch class change it amazes me. Sure, the kids talk, kid around, and horseplay some, but it is so unlike what I am used to teaching in a Title One school. There is no cursing, no obvious threats to others, no talk of sex or loud sexual comments, and most interestingly, not the same clothes. Now you ask, what do the clothes have to do with it? Well, at my former school I was the morning dress code inspector. I stood right where the kids entered and made sure no one was too far out of dress code. Not a day went by that I didn't have to comment on short skirts, ripped jeans with too much showing, shirts with inappropriate words/pictures (drugs, alcohol, or sex), or tops that were way to tight or low cut. I see none of this at Lovinggood. Maybe they have weeded them out, but I don't even see borderline dress issues. What is this a deeper reflection of?

"Researchers say that poor schools often struggle because they tend to attract rotating staffs of less-experienced teachers and administrators, among other problems. Schools with lower levels of poverty have a range of benefits that include more stable staffs, fewer discipline problems and more support from volunteers. Parents who have one job instead of three also have an easier time being involved. And expectations are usually higher."

So poor schools have more discipline problems. Why? Is it the poverty itself or something more? Interesting question...

I do agree that poor schools have greater staff turnover, check how many teachers leave a school in south Cobb versus a school like Still Elementary which has almost no turnover. Why do teachers leave faster at the lower socioeconomic schools? Is the stress greater? Is it harder to teach? Is there less support from parents and administrators? Are the kids' problems, attention and learning needs greater making the job harder? Or is it that seniority means you get a chance to transfer out of these schools to a so called "good" school?   I think probably a combination of all these is to blame.

The article goes on to discuss that our current trend in school reform is to try to "fix" low socioeconomic schools but what if the cure is to bus those students to higher economic schools? Mix it up so that all the poor kids aren't clustered at a couple of schools but spread out at all the schools making them a small percentage of the school populations? Busing has a nasty history and I am not sure you can ever look at busing without the old stigma coming into play. The other problem with this plan is parents. Think back to the nasty fight when they were trying to draw the district lines between McEachern and Hillgrove. That fight was between the haves and the have nots.  How willing are the more well to do students' parents to having the "poor" kids bussed into their schools? Not very, I think.

So what is the answer? I don't assume that I have it, but I am interested in this research and would like to see if it can be replicated in other areas.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Newcomer challenges S E Cobb incumbent

The Marietta Daily Journal - Newcomer challenges S E Cobb incumbent

I am stepping carefully here, but I feel compelled to discuss the school board races in Cobb. Last night I attended a Candidates' Forum at Walton High School between Scott Sweeny and Dr. Rick Welkis. I was appalled at how few people turned out. Then I read an article in the AJC that said that fewer than 20% of the voters turn out for school board races! In Cobb, the school board controls around a billion dollars when you add their budget and the SPLOST money! More importantly, they control the education of our children. I would think this is enough of a impetus to make people care, but last night showed me that I could be wrong. We are all invested in some way to our school system. Parents, children, teachers, employees, taxpayers, businesses, and homeowners. Surely we all fall into one or more of these categories, so we should care who is on that board. Please get involved, research the candidates, and for gosh sakes, VOTE!!!

Michelle Rhee Resigns as D.C. Schools Chancellor

Michelle Rhee Resigns as D.C. Schools Chancellor

So now that Rhee is out in DC, what will happen to her uber reform movement? Don't get me wrong, I believe our system needs reform, but blaming everything on the teachers, threatening them, and pay for performance isn't the answer. Unfortunately, some parents and outsiders believe that reform should include making teachers try harder, firing all the bad teachers, and saying that teachers who are good can fix everything that impacts student learning and performance. Last night at a school board candidates' forum, I heard a parent say that Cobb needs to hire Rhee as our new superintendent to come down here and clean up. OMG! As a classroom teacher, I have seen how hard most teachers are working, and threatening them isn't going to make them better. In fact, some principals are trying that method right now, at least from the calls we are getting at CCAE, and it is increasing the tension levels and lowering the moral of teachers. Neither of which is good for schools or students. Good teachers are the first to want to fire bad teachers, but often the firing isn't based on how good a teacher is, it is based on the subjective opinions of administrators. I personally was a great teacher one year, but when I got a new principal the next year, I became a bad teacher. I don't believe I under went a sudden transformation, I believe the viewpoints and expectations of the old principal and the new one were vastly different. So a teacher can be good but not fit what that particular principal wants. I know that in Georgia we don't have unions, thank you "right to work", but as President of what would be a union in another state, all I want is every teacher, every employee, to be treated fair and to have their rights protected. We don't want to protect bad teachers, we just believe everyone deserves a fair shake. So what is the answer? Reform has to come but what that reform looks like is a hotly debated topic. Please weigh in with what you think reform should look like....

Save the Date for Pat Dooley Rally

Please save October 28th

Join Us for a Rally for Represenative Pat Dooley

The rally will be on Oct. 28 from 4-7 at Northwest Exterminating, 830 Kennesaw Ave., Marietta, GA 30060

Supreme Court: Can the state create and fund charter schools over objections of local boards of education?

Supreme Court: Can the state create and fund charter schools over objections of local boards of education?

This is an important issue. The state thinks it knows what is better for local school districts than the districts themselves. If a local district does not approve a charter school, that should be the last word on the subject. The state should not be able legally to step in an obligate money, local, state, or federal, to a charter school. Please urge any/all politicians you come in contact with to oppose this practice.

Bringing the 4 Rs to Teacher & Principal Evaluation

Bringing the 4 Rs to Teacher & Principal Evaluation

In reading this article, I found a lot of good ideas about how to make evaluations more of a working document that shows actual growth. A couple of the ideas:

Rigor - a 2005 study in Illinois found that only 17% of the school districts had given ANY teacher an unsatisfactory!! Really? That doesn't happen here in Cobb, but the article talks about making sure the rigor is real because giving a bad teacher the same rating as a good teacher demeans the hard work a good teacher does. This really applies to the "emerging" standard on our evaluation. How can a teacher of the year and a teacher who is just sitting watching kids both be emerging?

Relevance - This is the area I found particularly interesting. The article discusses teachers setting their own goals, ones that are meaningful and relevant to them but still align to the standards set by the district. Wow, what a great idea! The article also says that if teachers can work as a group or team, setting up identical or similar goals, then the relevance goes up even more. I would love to see teachers sitting down and deciding what some of their evaluation goals would be. I know as a special education reading teacher I could have written one about maintaining pre-test, middle, and post-test data on all my students. Another goal could have been to raise the reading level of the group by one grade level. These are goals that would have been meaningful, measurable and relevant to me and ones that I would have been comfortable being rated on. Teachers would be more involved and have greater buy in if this process was used.

Relationships - One of the things I hear most about evaluations is that teachers don't feel that the administrator evaluation them really knows them and the classroom they teach in. How can someone who you only see once for 30 minutes really understand and rate you? What if they don't understand what you even teach? (that one happened to me!) This article discusses administrators having real relationships, not friendships, with the people they evaluate. Maybe Cobb could require multiple classroom observations? I like this idea, but I am not sure how much time administrators have to visit all the classroom teachers they evaluate. I do thing that having someone who actually knows you and what you teach is important.

Results - In the past, results of our evaluations were negligible. Nothing really happened to you if you got a fantastic evaluation or a middle of the road evaluation. That changed last year when for the first time, without warning, teachers were fired based on evaluations. That changed how teachers viewed the evaluations from a necessary inconvenience to a criminal trial. Neither view point is helpful. Teachers should not fear evaluations, they should welcome them as methods to help them grow. Teachers should view evaluations the way we tell students to view pre-tests, as a measure of what we already know and what areas we need to grow in. Here's an idea, what if we did three evaluations a year? A start of the year evaluation where we set goals with our administrators and maybe even our team teachers, a mid year evaluation to see where we are going right and what we need to improve on, and an end of the year evaluation that has meaning, isn't a big surprise, and truly reflects our job as a teacher. Cobb County are you listening???

The Marietta Daily Journal - CCSD posts superintendent survey results

The Marietta Daily Journal - CCSD posts superintendent survey results

Cobb residents asked to participate in superintendent search panels  |

Cobb residents asked to participate in superintendent search panels

Please apply if you live in Cobb, we need to have people in these focus groups that understand what is REALLY needed in a superintendent.

School board report card: Cobb County  |

School board report card: Cobb County

Please take a look and be informed. Knowledge is power!

The ideal school board member: Not in foreclosure, not in search of an income and not in the dark on issues

The ideal school board member: Not in foreclosure, not in search of an income and not in the dark on issues

Get Involved!!! School Board Candidate Forum

Our endorsed school board candidate Scott Sweeney will be appearing at a candidate forum tomorrow evening at Walton High School. The doors open at 6:30 and the debate begins at 7pm. We are asking everyone that can to attend and wear RED for CCAE. If you attend, I will have a limited number of shirts for you for attending. I will also have another gift for you! Please come out and show our support for our endorsed candidate, and more importantly, let's show everyone that CCAE is watching!!

Study Links Video Game Dancing to Drop in Tardiness

I love this article and idea! When a school in New Mexico started every day with kids dancing to a Wii game, tardiness went down! What a great way to get kids fit, blood flowing and brain turned on, and fight tardiness!! Humm, wonder if this works for teachers (meaning me!).

Political Endorsements

Senate District

21                 Chip Rogers
32                 Judson Hill
6                   Doug Stoner
33                 Steve Thompson
37                 Lindsey Tippens

House Districts

32                 Judy Manning
33                 David Wilkerson
34                 Rich Golick
37                 Terry Johnson
38                 Pat Dooley
40                 Stacey Evans
42                 Don Parsons
44                 Sheila Jones

How to avoid committing social media gaffes

How to avoid committing social media gaffes

This article is great. One of the problems we are seeing again and again this year is teachers getting in trouble for their social media pages. Please remember your facebook/myspace/dating sites can be found by parents and students. Even administrators are googling their teachers to see what they are doing. BE AWARE!

Richardson ISD program wards off bullying by strengthening bonds between students | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

Richardson ISD program wards off bullying by strengthening bonds between students News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth Dallas Morning News

Article from the Washington Post

Friends of Stacey Evans Opportunity to Help

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your continued support of the campaign. We are on our way to victory thanks to you!

Please join us this week for our Phone Banking Bonanza! We'll be calling into the district to identify Evans supporters. There are 4 opportunities to participate at 2 different locations. I hope you can join us:

Tuesday, October 5th at 6pm
Thursday, October 7th at 6pm
Home of Jason Chitwood
323 Heritage Park Trace
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Tuesday, October 5th at 6pm
Wednesday, October 6th at 6pm
Bryan Cave Powell Goldstein*
1201 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30309

*Parking is available in the building deck across the street, but is cheaper in surrounding surface lots.

If you can make it to any of these times (even if for only part of the time), please contact Jonae Wartel at or (770) 653-9789.

If you can't help this week, but would like to volunteer for the campaign another time, please visit our website and fill out a volunteer form. With your help we will win this race!

Thank you!

NEA Member Benefits - Check it Out

Immediate Member Savings Available

Some of the greatest money-savings benefits are only available to members who are registered on NEA Member Benefits.

Go to today to take full advantage of hundreds of dollars in additional savings.

Even if you have already registered, you may not know about all of these important benefits:

• For you and your family — apparel, electronics, cars, travel and more

• For your classroom — school supplies, lesson plans, grants and more

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Why not join the more than 800,000 NEA members who are already experiencing the value of NEA Member Benefits?

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Calling all CCAE members!! We endorsed candidate Pat Dooley of Marietta for the Georgia House of Representatives. If you haven't gotten a chance to meet Pat or hear how much she cares about education in Cobb, please take this chance! She is hosting an open house on October 28th at Northwest Exterminating from 4pm to 7pm. The office is located at 830 Kennesaw Ave. Marietta, 30060. I will be there and hope to see lots of you there. Please call her campaign at  (770)422-7954  if you have questions.