I am supporting Joe Martin to be our next State School Superintendent, because he has the commitment and ability to move Georgia ahead in education. He will also be a champion for educators, because he understands the crucial role of those who teach our students.
As one of the foremost advocates for education in Georgia, he has a lifetime of service to our children. He has always put our students and teachers ahead of politics.
While serving on his local school board for 20 years, he confronted some of the toughest challenges in education. He also initiated significant improvements as a member of major state commissions appointed by three Governors. Most recently, he led the fight to protect our schools by upholding the State Constitution.
That’s why Georgians throughout our state who care about our schools are supporting Joe Martin for State School Superintendent. They are looking past party labels to elect the best leader for our schools. The other candidates aren’t ready for this important responsibility.
As State School Superintendent, Joe will push to end the furloughs, restore the school year, and reduce class sizes. He will increase the respect for educators, lessen the emphasis on standardized tests, and encourage local decisions. He also has the business skills to make the best use of the available resources for the benefit of our students.
You can learn more about Joe and his plans for Georgia's schools at www.joemartin.org.
Please join me in supporting Joe in this very important election, and please spread the word to others. Joe Martin will stand up for our schools!
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