In the past I have used this blog mainly for posting articles and information I thought you would find interesting or though provoking. I now find myself wanting to express a viewpoint on a subject and hope you will find the information and opinion useful and thought provoking.
At the last Cobb School Board meeting, it was proposed that CCSD sign a contract with Teach for America that guarantees jobs for 50 Teach for America candidates. I am strongly opposed to this for a variety of reasons.
1. Cobb has a large pool of highly qualified, certified, experienced teachers. We do not have trouble hiring teachers! There are plenty of teachers around the area that would snap up a job ANYWHERE in Cobb.
2. The budget projects having to leave teacher slots unfilled. This means that we will need less teachers, not more. Simple math, if you need less teachers, you don't agree to hire 50 non-teachers to fill non-existent slots.
3. I don't think Teach for America works and definitely is not what the South Cobb area schools need. The majority of the research shows that TFA doesn't work. It is a good idea that got great press but didn't end up doing what it set out to do. Experienced teachers have been through a hundred or more education "fads" and this is just another one that will cost the district and not pay off.
4. The most personal reason of all. I am a certified special education teacher that CHOOSES to teach at a Title 1 school in South Cobb. I drive across the county to get to my school because I WANT to be there. I know the students come with a different set of problems, I know sometimes learning isn't their first priority, and I accept this, and in fact, I relish it! I became a teacher to work with students like this because I believed that EVERY child can learn, that teachers can make an impact, and that the quality of your education shouldn't depend on your race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other outside factors. When I decided to become a teacher (later in life), I went back to college and obtained a Master's degree in Education. I didn't just decide I wanted to be a lawyer but I would teach for two years to pad my resume. Teach for America is a slap in the face to every certified teacher who got an education degree, choose to dedicate themselves to teaching and then choose to teach at a lower socioeconomic school. I have seen the power of an educated teacher on an under performing school and it is a powerful thing.
I don't believe a TFA candidate (not teacher) will fix what is wrong. The achievement gap is so much more than what a teacher can fix. Looking for easy solutions for a complicated problem is NOT the answer. We need to take a hard look at what really causes the achievement gap and begin to address those problems. We do NOT need to waste precious resources (money, time, energy) on a quick fix solution that is just another educational panacea. We do NOT need to further demoralize our teachers. We do NOT need to spend money on this when we could spend it on smaller class sizes, better professional development, students, or any of a million other things that might actually impact the achievement gap! Please email the Cobb School Board members and tell them Teach for America is not for Cobb!
Here are some links regarding Teach for America and why it isn't the answer for Cobb
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