Tom Sciacca: Technology can cut school costs

Tom Sciacca: Technology can cut school costs (flipped classrooms)

I read this article hoping to have a revelation about flipped classrooms. I want to love the idea but there is a major fear that this concept will lead to less teachers, more classroom monitors, possibly paraprofessionals. I also fear that this will be used as an excuse for larger classes, something that article mentions but doesn't elaborate on. What do you think about Flipped Classrooms?

Bring your own device program

Since Cobb has test-implemented a bring your own device program this year, I have started looking into the program's success and failures at other school districts. I am excited to get to hear an update on the program at tomorrow's Cobb Chamber meeting and will blog about that after the meeting. Until then, here is a great story about the program.

Split illustrates management disputes charter schools can face

Split illustrates management disputes charter schools can face

I have a real problem with for profit management companies. When you put profit ahead of children and education, you never put the child first. Education is not meant to be for profit and we must separate our feelings about charter schools (some of which are good) and for profit charter schools.

Should Schools Embrace “Bring Your Own Device”?

Should Schools Embrace “Bring Your Own Device”?

I was at a bus driver event today here in Cobb and found myself discussing students bringing devices on the bus. I hadn't really considered the issue that schools allowing "Bring your own Device" would cause for bus drivers. If they can have the phone/ipad/tablet in school, can they have it, and use it, on the bus? Can it help or hurt discipline on the bus? I know for my own sons, once they put on the headphones, they aren't thinking about talking or getting in trouble, so it would help discipline, but does that hold true for most kids? I can't find any research about this, but I am still looking!

Another Article from Edweek on this topic

Schools close to asking for SPLOST IV

Schools close to asking for SPLOST IV: Expert estimates new tax, eyed for March, would raise $717 million over five years

I read the comments on this story with a sinking feeling. So many of the people don't understand how devastating voting No on this SPLOST would be. Our public schools are severely under-funded by the State and locally. Without the money from SPLOST, building projects would have to be delayed or cancelled. While I fully admit that some of the past stories about SPLOST usage (artificial turf) have left a bad taste in voters mouths, we must maintain the building, repair the buses, and continue to service and upgrade the technology. To do that, without dipping into the general fund, we much pass this SPLOST. Dipping into the general fund for maintenance would result in more strain on the budget, and possibly bigger classes and less teachers.

EDITORIAL: John Barge is a hero

EDITORIAL: John Barge is a hero: STATE VOTERS are being asked on Nov. 6 to make one of the most vomit-inducing choices of their lives … and we don’t mean the presidential contest. The proposed constitutional amendment to give th...

War of words escalates in charter school amendment fray between Barge and GOP leadership

War of words escalates in charter school amendment fray between Barge and GOP leadership

Part 3: I am horrified by what the GOP leader says, "Our teachers are still the highest paid in the Southeast and after adjusting for cost of living among the highest paid in the nation." What is he thinking? Besides being incorrect about the charter school amendment, he is dead WRONG about us being the highest paid in the nation. Do we really believe anything that comes out of the mouth of someone who thinks we are the highest paid in the nation?

Governor responds to school chief’s strong opposition to charter amendment on Nov. ballot

Governor responds to school chiefs strong opposition to charter amendment on Nov. ballot

Part 2: I wonder if anyone has pointed out that we are not against charter schools, we ARE against taking money from public education without any local control by an appointed board that answers to no one, while at the same time continueing to cut teacher pay, school days, ect. This is about power and money, not about Charter Schools or School Choice!!

GOP House leader to state school chief on charter stand: “Were you lying then or are you lying now?”

GOP House leader to state school chief on charter stand: “Were you lying then or are you lying now?”

Board rejects Hinojosa budget

Board rejects Hinojosa budget: CCSB Meeting ends with no clear idea of how the next budget will look. $62 million dollar deficit still looms.

Pete Borden: Voters to get chance to ‘clear water’ this fall

Pete Borden: Voters to get chance to ‘clear water’ this fall: Though, I doubt it is intentional, the workings of the school board and district are so transparent a blind man could see it with his cane. Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa built a case for red...

Harrison project gets thumbs up

Harrison project gets thumbs up: MARIETTA — The Cobb County school district’s Facilities and Technology committee has given the school board the go-ahead to approve building a ninth-grade center at Harrison High School. In a spli...

Georgia releases list of ‘focus' schools needing additional attention  |

Georgia releases list of ‘focus' schools needing additional attention  |

  • Riverside Intermediate
  • Hayes Elementary
  • Sanders Elementary
  • East Cobb Middle
  • Brumby Elementary

Tribunal: Tapp principal guilty

Tribunal: Tapp principal guilty: MARIETTA — A panel of three Cobb County school board members unanimously found Tapp Middle School Principal Dr. Jerry Dority “willfully negligent” of three of the four charges brought against her b...

Most Cobb senators approve amendment

Most Cobb senators approve amendment: ATLANTA — Four of Cobb’s five state senators helped pass a constitutional amendment on Monday that would allow the state to create new charter schools whose applications were turned down by local s...

Hearing for ex-principal begins today

Hearing for ex-principal begins today: MARIETTA — A hearing on the employment status of former Tapp Middle School principal Dr. Jerry Dority is to begin this morning in front of Cobb school board members David Banks, David Morgan and Ti...

Senate passes charter schools amendment resolution  |

Senate passes charter schools amendment resolution  |

Hearing for ex-principal begins today

Hearing for ex-principal begins today: MARIETTA — A hearing on the employment status of former Tapp Middle School principal Dr. Jerry Dority is to begin this morning in front of Cobb school board members David Banks, David Morgan and Ti...

Increasing class sizes gets green light

Increasing class sizes gets green light: MARIETTA — At their 6-hour work session Wednesday, Cobb County school board members approved increasing class sizes by up to five students. School board members also weighed declaring SPLOST II fu...

Board Vice Chair Morgan denies hiding charter school bid from fellow members

Board Vice Chair Morgan denies hiding charter school bid from fellow members: MARIETTA — Cobb school board vice chair David Morgan said Wednesday that he didn’t know board members were kept out of the loop about the partnership and grant application with STEM Inventors Acade...

School board set to grant contract for $14M center

School board set to grant contract for $14M center: KENNESAW — Later this month, the Cobb school board will consider moving forward with the district’s third ninth-grade center, to be built at Harrison High School in west Cobb. The board is set to ...

Banks: Tap into district’s ‘gold’ to avoid cuts

EDUCATORS: If you are worried about the cuts, furlough days, or increase in class sizes, DO SOMETHING!! As your President, if I speak only for myself, it doesn't make as big of an impact, as if I speak with 200 teachers sitting in the school board meeting supporting me. GET INVOLVED!!

Banks: Tap into district’s ‘gold’ to avoid cuts: MARIETTA — Despite Cobb School District personnel telling him otherwise, school board member David Banks insisted at a 6-hour work session Wednesday that budget cuts are not necessary in the face o...

School board to consider tax rate buydown

School board to consider tax rate buydown: MARIETTA — For the third year in a row, the Cobb County School Board will consider buying down their property tax rate with SPLOST funds. During the school board’s work session on Wednesday, they ...

Board to talk about Teach for America

Board to talk about Teach for America: MARIETTA — At the prodding of Kathleen Angelucci, the Cobb school board will go public about the district’s involvement with a stalled charter school and Teach For America. At its Wednesday work s...

Bartlett: Charter schools destroy education

Bartlett: Charter schools destroy education: MARIETTA — Not only do charter schools not provide students a better education than public schools, but they also destroy public education, Cobb school board member Alison Bartlett said at a town h...

I am Disgusted!!

I am officially disgusted!! One of the charter school groups is offering Starbucks gift cards to all the people who talk to their legislators about pro-charter schools. So I guess now we need to give out gift cards to people who talk about how great our public schools are? When will big money stop trying to tear down public education??? If they have that much money to burn why don't they pay for private school? Why is there this much money being spent to get charter schools? Because people are going to make money off of it and off charter schools. The same money that could be used to actually make our schools better!

Here is the link, so you can see for yourself

Committee OKs bill to restrict mass picketing in Georgia  |

Committee OKs bill to restrict mass picketing in Georgia

This is the bill I testified on yesterday. It would infringe on our right to protest/picket but it would also tear apart CCAE/GAE and the other organizations. It would mean I would have to contact every member every year to re-sign them up. Can you imagine the work involved in me contacting 2000+ members every year?? This bill is anti-association and must not pass!

School board map upsets NE Cobb residents

School board map upsets NE Cobb residents: MARIETTA — A northeast Cobb woman says her family is already split between two school board members, and a Cobb school district reapportionment map circulating via email would add a third to the mi...

True or false? Georgia teachers highest paid in country

True or false? Georgia teachers highest paid in country

I know this to be false!! With the furlough days, increases in health and dental insurance, and other cuts, I make less every year, so don't tell me I am highest paid in the country!

Board OKs massive map redraw

Board OKs massive map redraw: MARIETTA — The Cobb County School Board unanimously approved the largest redistricting map in the system’s history Thursday night. About 15 people were in attendance Thursday night for the final p...

Pete Borden: When does the reform finally start?

Pete Borden: When does the reform finally start?: In November 2010, Cobb elected three new school board members, who, as candidates, represented themselves as determined to reform our school board, which was dysfunctional and totally ineffective t...

Around Town: Friday afternoon Capitol capers giving Dems map shock

Around Town: Friday afternoon Capitol capers giving Dems map shock: State Rep. David Wilkerson (D-Austell) nearly choked from map sticker shock when he got a taste of the reapportionment configuration that Republican lawmakers are said to have secretly drawn for th...

Wow, David Banks would be over Osborne? That is a weird map!!! Feeder patterns should be the ranking factor to where the lines are drawn.

CCSD stays course on closing school

CCSD stays course on closing school: MARIETTA — According to a letter from the Cobb County School District, the system is going to stand by the school board’s September decision to close Imagine International Academy of Mableton at th...

CCSD forced to turn down $50K grant

CCSD forced to turn down $50K grant: MARIETTA — Just over a month after being notified that they would receive $50,000 in grant money for a charter school, the Cobb School District was forced to decline the Race to the Top funds. In ...

School system declines $50,000 charter school grant  |

School system declines $50,000 charter school grant

There is so much I could say here about this entire incident but sometimes I have to remember I am the President and hold my tongue.

Cobb: As system raises class size, it risks going from teaching to crowd management;

Cobb: As system raises class size, it risks going from ;teaching to crowd management;

So very true!! I have heard from hundreds of teachers that they can live with the other budget suggestions but class size is the straw that broke the camels (teachers) back! We cannot achieve student learning with large class sizes! If you want to see student learning and achievement drop, increase class sizes.

Change to charter school bill could bring it more support  |

Change to charter school bill could bring it more support

This change is the power of activism, we went to the legislature and spoke regarding our concerns about funding and WE WERE HEARD!! Never doubt that the actions of a few can change the outcome!!

Bigger classes becoming norm in Georgia?  |

Bigger classes becoming norm in Georgia?

With system averaging and increased overall size, we are seeing enormous classes across the district. We say we want to increase student achievement but our actions say the opposite.

Teach for America director: Cobb was our toughest crowd

Teach for America director: Cobb was our toughest crowd: MARIETTA — The executive director of Teach For America in metro Atlanta says his group faced more opposition in Cobb County than anywhere else in metro Atlanta. Teach For America’s Shyam Kumar, wh...


MCS adopts new graduation requirement

MCS adopts new graduation requirement: MARIETTA — Students who enter Marietta High School as freshmen this fall will have to complete at least one class online to graduate. The Marietta school board adopted the new graduation require...


Change could get charter school bill more support  |

Change could get charter school bill more support

This is what I testified about yesterday at the committee meeting for the House Democrats. I feel strongly about local control and loss of education dollars. The change would force the State to pay for any charter schools that they approve, but in the end, where will that money really come from? Yep, my guess is education dollars.

New review of Georgia charter schools finds they don;t outperform traditional public schools

New review of Georgia charter schools finds they don;t out perform traditional public schools

Setting a good example: Cobb County school district launches mentor program

Setting a good example: Cobb County school district launches mentor program: POWDER SPRINGS — Cobb County schools are now offering an opportunity for community members to make a difference in the lives of its students by volunteering to be a mentor. Cobb Mentoring Matters,...

Hinojosa to meet Mableton Imagine school’s principal

Hinojosa to meet Mableton Imagine school’s principal: MABLETON — Is Cobb Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa backing off his earlier recommendation to pull the charter of Imagine International Academy of Mableton? He won’t say. But he did ac...

Obama Rekindles State Debates on Dropout Age

Obama Rekindles State Debates on Dropout Age

This is a current issue in Georgia with several lawmakers and school districts supporting raising the drop out age in Georgia to 18. Raising the age without making other changes will not work nor will it help lower the drop out rate. We need to make reasons for students to stay in school. Many students who do not plan to attend college, for whatever reason, see no reason to stay in school. The students don't see any benefit in a high school diploma, feel that they will never graduate, or believe that they can find work without a diploma. We have to have programs in high school for these students. The Governor's new plan for College and Workforce Readiness is a good start. If we realize that despite No Child Left Behind, some students are not going to college and begin to prepare them for jobs right out of high school, we will make an impact. My hope is that with the new plan, we can beef up our technical offerings in high school. We can offer students classes in today's workforce needs such as graphics, construction, electrical work, culinary arts, and more. With these classes as an incentive, students will begin to see a reason to stay in school and get a high school diploma. This is the only way to really impact the drop out rate. Simply raising the drop out age alone will not work.

Kline releases final bill to replace No Child Left Behind - Washington Times

Kline releases final bill to replace No Child Left Behind - Washington Times

Board will mull strategic plan at meeting

Board will mull strategic plan at meeting: MARIETTA — Despite all that was revealed last week about the Cobb school district’s two applications for Race to the Top money for Teach For America and STEM Inventors Academy, there is nothing on ...

Counselor cleared of battery charges

Counselor cleared of battery charges: MARIETTA — Frank Robinson, the Lassiter High School guidance counselor and basketball coach accused of inappropriately touching a 17-year-old student in 2009, was acquitted on all charges Thursday ...

This poor man's life was ruined by a student lie. I wish I could say this was an isolated thing, but we see it all to often.

Cobb may have to reject funds for charter school

Cobb may have to reject funds for charter school: MARIETTA — Although Cobb Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa signed an application for a $50,000 grant to be used toward creating a STEM charter school, the district might have to reject th...

Hinojosa pursued program without securing funding

Hinojosa pursued program without securing funding: MARIETTA — Last Thursday, as members of the Cobb school board were preparing for their public meeting, it looked as though Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa’s recommendation to hire 50 teachers t...

This article is very upsetting to CCAE. We were aware that David Morgan is a paid supporter of Teach for America, but to learn that all this went on before it was even brought up to the board and the Public?? This seems to be a betrayal of the public trust that all dealings are above board and open.

Cobb senator hosts town hall meeting  |

Cobb senator hosts town hall meeting

Doug Stoner is a true friend to public education, let's support him!!

District helped charter group get $50K grant

District helped charter group get $50K grant: MARIETTA – Although the Cobb school district has never sought any of the $400 million from the federal Race to the Top program for its own use, district staff did help a potential charter school la...

School board sets Teach For America vote

School board sets Teach For America vote: MARIETTA — The Cobb County school board is set to vote on whether the district will partner with Teach For America on Thursday night. Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa is recommending that the d...

Why Cobb Schools Don't Need Teach for America

In the past I have used this blog mainly for posting articles and information I thought you would find interesting or though provoking. I now find myself wanting to express a viewpoint on a subject and hope you will find the information and opinion useful and thought provoking.

At the last Cobb School Board meeting, it was proposed that CCSD sign a contract with Teach for America that guarantees jobs for 50 Teach for America candidates. I am strongly opposed to this for a variety of reasons.

1. Cobb has a large pool of highly qualified, certified, experienced teachers. We do not have trouble hiring teachers! There are plenty of teachers around the area that would snap up a job ANYWHERE in Cobb.

2. The budget projects having to leave teacher slots unfilled. This means that we will need less teachers, not more. Simple math, if you need less teachers, you don't agree to hire 50 non-teachers to fill non-existent slots.

3. I don't think Teach for America works and definitely is not what the South Cobb area schools need. The majority of the research shows that TFA doesn't work. It is a good idea that got great press but didn't end up doing what it set out to do. Experienced teachers have been through a hundred or more education "fads" and this is just another one that will cost the district and not pay off.

4. The most personal reason of all. I am a certified special education teacher that CHOOSES to teach at a Title 1 school in South Cobb. I drive across the county to get to my school because I WANT to be there. I know the students come with a different set of problems, I know sometimes learning isn't their first priority, and I accept this, and in fact, I relish it! I became a teacher to work with students like this because I believed that EVERY child can learn, that teachers can make an impact, and that the quality of your education shouldn't depend on your race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other outside factors. When I decided to become a teacher (later in life), I went back to college and obtained a Master's degree in Education. I didn't just decide I wanted to be a lawyer but I would teach for two years to pad my resume. Teach for America is a slap in the face to every certified teacher who got an education degree, choose to dedicate themselves to teaching and then choose to teach at a lower socioeconomic school. I have seen the power of an educated teacher on an under performing school and it is a powerful thing.

I don't believe a TFA candidate (not teacher) will fix what is wrong. The achievement gap is so much more than what a teacher can fix. Looking for easy solutions for a complicated problem is NOT the answer. We need to take a hard look at what really causes the achievement gap and begin to address those problems. We do NOT need to waste precious resources (money, time, energy) on a quick fix solution that is just another educational panacea. We do NOT need to further demoralize our teachers. We do NOT need to spend money on this when we could spend it on smaller class sizes, better professional development, students, or any of a million other things that might actually impact the achievement gap! Please email the Cobb School Board members and tell them Teach for America is not for Cobb!

Here are some links regarding Teach for America and why it isn't the answer for Cobb

Day 4: Parent Trigger Bill Drops

Day 4: Parent Trigger Bill Drops

this is a link to the GAE Legislative Newsletter, check it out!!

School Improvement Survey

2012 School Improvement Survey

The Cobb County School District is asking for your participation in the 2012 School Improvement Survey. Please take a moment to give us your anonymous responses regarding your perceptions about your student's school. Take the Survey at

Group pushing for school calendar change  |

Group pushing for school calendar change

After swift start, school board reformers stalled

After swift start, school board reformers stalled: MARIETTA — A year ago at this time, a spirit of revolution was in the air around the Cobb school board. Three avowed “reform” candidates — Scott Sweeney, Kathleen Angelucci and Tim Stultz — had jus...