Education secretary to Atlanta board: Get your act together  |

Education secretary to Atlanta board: Get your act together

Drive for education reform has teachers unions on the defensive

Drive for education reform has teachers unions on the defensive

Wanted: Ways to Assess the Majority of Teachers

Wanted: Ways to Assess the Majority of Teachers

CCAE Lobbying day at the Capitol

CCAE will be lobbying our legislators. We welcome both experienced members and those that have never gone down to the Capitol. We will teach you all you need to know. Please Get Involved!!

The CCAE Lobbying Day is Wednesday, February 23. If you are interested in joining us to lobby the legislators at the Capitol that day, please RSVP immediately to If enough are interested, the Political Action Committee will consider getting a bus. We need to know soon in order to make the arrangements.

Gaye Shin

Atlanta schools and a disturbing outbreak of common sense

Atlanta schools and a disturbing outbreak of common sense

Whistle-blowing teachers targeted  |

Whistle-blowing teachers targeted

It is a shame that teachers can't feel free to expose wrong-doing. This is not just in Atlanta schools, we all know it happens everywhere. It isn't just about testing, teachers say they are afraid to go against a principal, afraid to speak out about unfair working conditions, afraid to fight for their rights, afraid of a PDP. I have talked to teachers who are even afraid to belong to CCAE/GAE because their principal might single them out for punishment. What kind of culture is going on in our schools when people are afraid?

Today's testing and accountability craze is making things worse. Teachers are afraid to object to too many meetings, lack of planning time, impossible time-lines for course content, and class sizes that make real teaching impossible. They keep repeating, "I'm just glad I still have a job", but is that really enough?

Cobb, Marietta schools set snow make-up schedule  |

Cobb, Marietta schools set snow make-up schedule

School days will be longer in Marietta  |

School days will be longer in Marietta

Cherokee votes to keep graduations at church  |

Cherokee votes to keep graduations at church

Good for them!! This is the right decision for their area.

State school superintendent offers new math option  |

I attended today's state school board meeting where this was discussed. The arguments presented by the new state school superintendent's people was well worded and seemed logical. Let the individual districts decide what is best for their students. I am not surprised that the trend is going to be more local control, isn't that one of the basic things Governor Nathan Deal campaigned on? I was impressed that the word was that they were very happy with the Governor's proposed budget.


CCAE is conducting a survey of educators in Cobb. We need as many people as possible to take the survey so we can present the results to the School Board. Thanks!

The Marietta Daily Journal - Education reform no easy task for Obama

The Marietta Daily Journal - Education reform no easy task for Obama

Gold Dome 2011: No vouchers, no money, less HOPE

Gold Dome 2011: No vouchers, no money, less HOPE

12 Incredibly Inspiring Real-Life Teachers

12 Incredibly Inspiring Real-Life Teachers A great article for a Sunday read

And I want to add you to this list. I know that only a handful of teachers ever get the recognition and appreciation that they deserve. I wish I could celebrate every teacher who goes above and beyond the classroom delivery to impact the students we teach. Thank you!

New update about snow days makeup

After this week, with four missed days allowed, we are anticipating a need for one make-up day for students. We will look at possibly making March 18, 2011 a regular school day. It is currently scheduled as a teacher workday. No decisions have been made at this time.

From Cobb County regarding Snow Days

We have just received the following communication from Cobb County Schools Spokesperson Jay Dillon: "We have had NO discussions about potential make-up days. The state allows at least four missed days, and considering the circumstances this week they may end up allowing more. We hope that we do not have to have any discussions about make-up days, but if we do there are several options we can consider. Using the break weeks has not been discussed at this time, nor have any of the other options."

Nathan Deal: Give it up for teachers. (Applause, not money.)

Nathan Deal: Give it up for teachers. (Applause, not money.)

N.C.'s Largest City Might Cut 1,500 Education Jobs

N.C.'s Largest City Might Cut 1,500 Education Jobs

Court Backs District in Disclosure of Teacher's Medical Condition

Court Backs District in Disclosure of Teacher's Medical Condition

This court decision scares me!

The courts have said that the private medical conditions of teachers can be released publicly if they are part of an investigation. That sets a dangerous precedent. I can see a future where all types of personal information can be made public. Imagine a teacher with HIV and that being made public. Even if the teacher is great, how many people will pull their children out of that teachers class? Will the teacher ever have privacy again? Be able to teach?

I also worry about this personally because I suffer from Fibromyalgia. I have had days were I had to call in sick because of it. This court found that using her sick leave for fibromyalgia and then being in church was abuse. If it is the stress of teaching that makes the fibro flare up, it is entirely conceivable that the joy of church service could enable the teacher to feel better.

It is the small court cases that we need to pay attention to. They are the ones that change our lives dramatically.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Freshman Senator Tippins straps on chains plows way to Gold Dome

The Marietta Daily Journal - Freshman Senator Tippins straps on chains plows way to Gold Dome

Please contact your representatives in the house and the senate and say NO to the teacher report card idea!

UPDATED: NYC Must Release Names With Teacher-Data Requests, Court Rules

UPDATED: NYC Must Release Names With Teacher-Data Requests, Court Rules

I am horrified that NYC is going to release the names of the teachers along with their scores. We need to fight this here in Georgia! There are people (naming no names) in the House that are proposing a similar format here in Georgia. Please start flooding your house and senate members with a giant NO to teacher report cards (as they are calling them).

Want reform? Why not ask teachers for ideas?

Want reform? Why not ask teachers for ideas? This is such a simple idea, actually have the people who teach have input into reform!! Would we make rules/instructions for surgery without asking doctors? Would we make instructions on how to fly a plane without pilots who actually fly the planes?

I am constantly amazed at the fact that everyone but teachers thinks they know how to fix education. Why? Just because you were a student, you have no real idea what goes into education. Just because I have been a patient doesn't make me qualified to tell the doctor how to operate. If everyone is qualified to teach, why did I bother to get a masters degree in education? Why have I taken more classes to work towards a doctorate? I could have just decided I wanted to be a teacher because I have been a student, much simpler and cheaper!

To all those that have decided they know how to fix education, particularly the politicians who support the idea of teacher report cards, come spend an entire day teaching special education, small group and inclusion, at my school, Griffin Middle School in Smyrna. See how much the attitude of the children matters. See how poverty affects the ability to learn. See what not having English spoken at home does to there reading ability. See how much the teachers work to make learning fun, sometimes without success. See how being cursed out by children affects your moral and effectiveness. See what fear of accusations does to your classroom discipline. I could continue but really, do I have to? It is common sense that apparently isn't as common as I had hoped!